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Volume 19, Issue 86 (4-2020)                   Journal of Psychological Science 2020, 19(86): 159-169 | Back to browse issues page

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bakhtavr M. (2020). The relationship between parenting styles and parental demographic components with their children personality types. Journal of Psychological Science. 19(86), 159-169.
URL: http://psychologicalscience.ir/article-1-343-en.html
Ph.D. in Psychology, University of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan , M.BAKHTAVAR@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2661 Views)
Background: Parenting styles are one of the most important factors affecting the upbringing of children and their personality traits. But the key question is whether there is a relationship between parenting styles and the demographic components of parents with their children's personality types. Aims: To investigate the relationship between parenting styles and parents' demographic components with their children's personality types. Method: This was a descriptive correlational study. The statistical population of the study consisted of all male and female high school students of Tabriz (with their parents) in the academic year of 2018-2019. 324 male and female students (165 girls and 165 boys) were selected using multistage cluster random sampling. The data collection tool was Eiseng Personality Questionnaire (1975) for children and adolescents and the Baumrind parenting practices questionnaire (1971). Data analysis was performed using Chi-square test and multivariate analysis of variance. Results: There was a significant relationship between parenting style with child personality type and parental education level (p<0/01). There was a significant relationship between family income and personality type of children (p<0/01). There was no significant relationship between type of residence and personality type of children (p<0/01) and there was no significant difference between male and female parents in parenting styles (p<0/01). Conclusions: The methods of decisive education are a good way to educate and develop the personality of children. Parental parenting styles can be used to develop children's personality
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2019/08/24 | Accepted: 2020/02/19 | Published: 2020/03/18

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