Volume 19, Issue 95 (10-2020)                   Journal of Psychological Science 2020, 19(95): 1389-1400 | Back to browse issues page

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Islamic Azad University , far.aghajani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2310 Views)
Background: Numerous studies have examined the effect of group education on reciprocal behavior analysis and acceptance and commitment to self-criticism, but research that has developed a group educational therapy program based on interactional behavior analysis and acceptance and commitment method and its effectiveness on girls' self-criticism components has failed. Emotional pay has been neglected. Aims: The purpose of this study was to develop a group educational therapy program based on the analysis of reciprocal behavior and acceptance and commitment and its effectiveness on self-critical components of girls with emotional failure. Method: The present study was applied in terms of purpose and combined in terms of method (qualitative and quantitative), the qualitative part was the development of a treatment program and the quantitative part was semi-experimental. The study population consisted of all students with emotional breakdown in Islamic Azad University of Tehran during the years 2019-2020. 30 people were available selected as a sample and randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups (15 people). The instruments of the present study were: Thompson and Zarov Self-Critical Questionnaire (2004) and Summary of Mutual Behavior Analysis Sessions and Acceptance and Commitment Methods (a combination of Bern Behavioral Training Meetings, 1950 and Admission and Commitment Therapy Sessions by Hayes et al., 2012). ). Data analysis was performed by multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: The developed group treatment program had a significant effect on the analysis of mutual relations and acceptance and commitment to girls' self-criticism with emotional failure (p< 0/01). Conclusions: Girls who participated in group therapy therapy sessions based on interactional behavior and acceptance and commitment methods were less self-critical.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/04/23 | Accepted: 2020/05/28 | Published: 2021/01/29

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