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Volume 20, Issue 101 (8-2021)                   Journal of Psychological Science 2021, 20(101): 813-821 | Back to browse issues page

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Fatahi N, Kazemi S, Bagholi H, Kouroshnia M. (2021). Comparison of the effectiveness of two classic cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on the emotion regulation strategies of patients with type 2 diabetes in Shiraz. Journal of Psychological Science. 20(101), 813-821.
URL: http://psychologicalscience.ir/article-1-758-en.html
Associate Professor, Azad University, Department of Psychology, Marvdasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht, Iran(Author). kazemiedu@ yahoo.com , kazemiedu@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2305 Views)
Background: Numerous studies have examined the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction on emotion regulation strategies. But there is a research gap between comparing the effectiveness of the two classic cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT) and reducing mindfulness-based stress (MBSR) on emotion regulation strategies for patients with type 2 diabetes. Aims: Comparison of the effectiveness of two classical cognitive-behavioral therapies and mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy was based on the strategies for regulating emotion in patients with type 2 diabetes in Shiraz. Method: The research was pre-test-post-test with control group. The statistical population included all type 2 diabetic patients present in Shiraz medical and hospital centers in 2018. Thirty-six diabetic patients were selected by simple random sampling and randomly assigned to three 12-person groups (two experimental groups and one contrast group). Research tools of Garnefsky's Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Craig and Spinhaon (2001), Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Therapy Meetings (Mouse et al., 2015) and Behavioral Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Moloudi and Fattahi, 2011; quoted by Samadzadeh et al., 1397). ). Data analysis was performed using multivariate analysis of covariance. Results: Two cognitive-behavioral therapies of classical behavior and mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy had a significant effect on patients' emotion regulation strategies (P< 0/001). There was no significant difference between the two treatments in terms of the effect on emotion regulation strategies (P< 0/001). Conclusions: Patients who participated in cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions and mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy experienced more positive and less negative emotion regulation strategies.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/04/26 | Accepted: 2020/05/1 | Published: 2021/02/28

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