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Volume 20, Issue 105 (12-2021)                   Journal of Psychological Science 2021, 20(105): 1617-1630 | Back to browse issues page

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Haghighi Kermanshahi M, Kakabaraee K. (2021). The effectiveness of interpersonal problem solving education on the social problem of young women prisoners. Journal of Psychological Science. 20(105), 1617-1630. doi:10.52547/JPS.20.105.1617
URL: http://psychologicalscience.ir/article-1-981-en.html
Associate professor, Department of psychology, Literature and Humanities Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Kermanshah, Kermanshah, Iran (Corresponding Author) , danakmoshaver@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1647 Views)
Background: Many studies have examined the effectiveness of problem solving on social problem solving among different samples, but no study that has examined interpersonal problem solving on social problem solving of women prisoners has not been conducted in Iran.
Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of interpersonal problem solving on the social problem of women prisoners.
Methods: The research design was a pretest-post test design with a control group. The statistical population of this study includes all young female offenders imprisoned in Kermanshah central prison that they were serving their sentences in 2019. In this study 30 young women were imprisoned by the available sampling meted were selected and randomly divided into two experimental (15n) and control (15n) groups. Then 10 two-hour sessions were held every week for two interpersonal problem -solving workshops for the experimental group. After completing the post -test training problem it was implemented in both experimental and control groups. To gather information from the social problem solving questionnaires of Desorila et al (2004). Then the research data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance.
Results: Results According to the participants, in two stages of pre-test-post-test showed that compared to the control group in the experimental group, between pre-test-post-test scores in all subscales of social problem solving including positive orientation, negative orientation, logical style and impulsivity style / carelessness and avoidance style was a difference.
Conclusion: Therefore, interpersonal problem-solving training can be used as a corrective and preventive intervention program to increase the social problem-solving of young women prisoners
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/09/29 | Accepted: 2021/12/1 | Published: 2021/11/22

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