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Volume 21, Issue 120 (2-2023)                   Journal of Psychological Science 2023, 21(120): 2487-2499 | Back to browse issues page

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Allah Kai M Y, khoshkonesh A, asgharnezhad farid A A. (2023). The effecacy of mindfulness training techniques on emotional malaise and social anxiety based on brain-behavioral systems. Journal of Psychological Science. 21(120), : 10 doi:10.52547/JPS.21.120.2487
URL: http://psychologicalscience.ir/article-1-1734-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran , A-khosh@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (1541 Views)
Background: Research shows that emotional dyslexia and the components of difficulty in identifying emotions have a positive relationship with the symptoms of social anxiety disorder and maintain the cognitive factors of social anxiety disorder and cause them to avoid others.
Aims: This research aims to determine the effectiveness of mindfulness training on alexia in women with high alexia and on social anxiety in women with social anxiety based on their brain-behavioral systems and to determine the difference in effectiveness in two groups. It was planned and executed from these women.
Methods: The method of this research was semi-experimental with non-random sampling and available with a two-group design (experimental group and control group) with pre-test-post-test and follow-up. The statistical population included 16 available women with high emotional dyslexia and 16 women with social anxiety due to their availability in 2018, each of whom was selected into two experimental and control groups.
Results: The results of the mixed analysis of variance showed significant changes of the two groups for the within-group factor, and the group and interaction effects of time and group were also significant. The results of multivariate analysis of variance to compare the group effect on the linear combination of the effectiveness of mindfulness training techniques on alexia in women with high alexia and on social anxiety, women with social anxiety based on their brain-behavioral systems in the short-term and long-term show showed that the effect of the group factor on the linear combination of the effectiveness of mindfulness techniques training... in the post-test and follow-up was statistically significant.
Conclusion: The results showed that variables such as emotional ataxia and social anxiety changed under the influence of mindfulness training based on brain-behavioral systems, and there was a fundamental difference in the two training groups, which had previously been compared between these two disorders simultaneously. had not taken place.
Article number: 10
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/06/21 | Accepted: 2022/09/8 | Published: 2023/02/21

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