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The efficacy of mindfulness in sex therapy on sexual sensation seeking, extramarital relationships and marital disillusionment of couples (21444 Views)
A Preliminary Study of Psychometric Properties of the Persian Version of the Expanded Version of the Inferential Confusion Questionnaire (Icq-Ev) in A Non-Clinical Sample (10834 Views)
A comparison between homosexuals and heterosexuals based on personality characteristics, parental bonding and levels of mental health (8315 Views)
Evaluating the effectiveness of paradox therapy for the treatment of social anxiety disorder: A case study (5634 Views)
Design and validation of a therapy program based on the internal family systems model and its efficacy on internet addiction (4809 Views)
Analysis of the causes of marital conflict in the last two decades (a systematic review) (4596 Views)
Personality development in adulthood: prediction of generativity vs stagnation based on personality supertraitsas (4541 Views)
The relationship between domestic violence and its psychological consequences with borderline personality disorder and alcohol abuse (4504 Views)
Effectiveness of mindfulness education and commitment and acceptance therapy on psychological distress and death anxiety in cancer patients in Isfahan (4061 Views)
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Development and validation of ego strength scale: A preliminary study (3862 Views)
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Designing the educational package of sexual education based on Iranian culture and effectiveness on social self-efficacy and sexual risk-taking in middle school girl students (3840 Views)
Validating and normalizing passion questionnaire among athletes (3825 Views)
Examining the role of family factors affecting drug trends (traditional-industrial) among youth of Lorestan province (3821 Views)
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The comparison of the effectiveness of emotion - focused cognitive - behavioral therapy and mindfulness - based cognitive therapy on the socio - physical anxiety, itching, and psoriasis severity (3583 Views)
Predictive model of psychological well-being based on resilience considering the mediating role of perceived stress (3567 Views)
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The relationship between autonomy supportive environmental and academic well-being: the mediating role of basic psychological needs (7456 Downloads)
The PERMA - profiler: psychometrics properties among teachers (3405 Downloads)
Investigating the pychometric caracteristics of a nw scale of executive function of delays and disturbances in executive functioning and learning: Scale of executive functions, attention and learning performance (3329 Downloads)
Design and validation of a therapy program based on the internal family systems model and its efficacy on internet addiction (3200 Downloads)
Investigating the Constructs of Psychosocial and Organizational Gossip Behavior (3042 Downloads)
A controlled comparison of the efficacy of creative problem solving therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy in adolescent' depression (3031 Downloads)
Evaluating the effectiveness of paradox therapy for the treatment of social anxiety disorder: A case study (2944 Downloads)
The comparison of the effectiveness of group compassion and choice theory training on learned helplessness and self-efficacy in students (2900 Downloads)
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and schema therapy on extramarital relationships and domestic violence in women with emotional divorce (2877 Downloads)
A structural model for prediction of couple burnout based on sensation seeking, perfectionism and emotion regulation strategies with the mediation of resiliency in married women (2853 Downloads)
The presentation a structural model for predicting job burnout in professional football referees of iran based on big five personality factors mediated by self-esteem (2812 Downloads)
The mediating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and social self-efficacy in the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and social anxiety in adolescent girls (2798 Downloads)
Comparison of social and cognitive development of 5-7 year old children based on parenting styles (2753 Downloads)
Study On the Effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and Gottman’s Systemic Couple Therapy on marital harmony in conflicting couples (2676 Downloads)
Evaluation of psychometric properties of perceived physical literacy instrument (ppli) in iranian adolescents (2669 Downloads)
Predicting marital adjustment based on marital intimacy and deficit emotional regulate (2627 Downloads)
Providing a structural model for predicting marital intimacy based on attachment styles mediated by the component of love commitment in married students (2543 Downloads)
Quality of Interpersonal Relationships Based on Self-Forgiveness, Other-Forgiveness and Position-Forgiveness (2460 Downloads)
The mediating role of ego strength between ego development and mental health (2460 Downloads)
The prediction of body dysmorphic disorder based on emotional schemas, attachment styles, and personality traits in individuals prone to cosmetic surgery (2408 Downloads)
Designing the educational package of sexual education based on Iranian culture and effectiveness on social self-efficacy and sexual risk-taking in middle school girl students (2407 Downloads)
The comparison of the effectiveness of group schema therapy and group emotional-based couple therapy on couples’ maladaptive schemas and life satisfaction (2385 Downloads)
Hopefulness prediction modeling based on resilience and happiness considering the mediating role of quality of life in women with breast cancer (2375 Downloads)
The prediction of the quality of marital life based on communication patterns and subjective well-being, taking into account the role of mediating intimacy (2368 Downloads)
The effectiveness of intervention based on psychological capital on hope, optimism, resilience, and self-efficacy among patients with depression (2349 Downloads)
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Publications Ethics ( 682 print)
Peer Review Process ( 320 print)
About the Journal ( 152 print)
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Indexing ( 115 print)
Submission Guidelines ( 90 print)
Contact information ( 86 print)
Welcome ( 13 print)
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